Friday, February 3, 2012

February Club Layout, Innovation and Pin It Button!

       As I sat down to start working on this layout I discovered that my Outdoor Denim ink was missing.  I was ready to get to work and I couldn't do what I wanted.  So, I got a little creative.  I took a small pile of baby wipes, squirted some Outdoor Denim reinker on them and had a temporary stamp pad.  It worked great!  Unfortunately, I wasted an hour of precious time before I came up with idea but it all worked out in the end.  And when I finished the layout guess what I found??  Yes, my ink pad that fell behind my stamping table.  Ugh!! 
      Anyways, I am loving the Pemberly paper so far.  The colors work with everything.  I also incorporated some of the Cricut Art Philosophy 3D flowers and flattened them a bit to make them work for a layout.  The flower stamp from the Card Word Puzzle set was perfect for adding color with a blending pen.
So, if you aren't addicted yet, let me know and I can send you an invite to Pinterest.  It's an online bulletin board for all kinds of ideas and you get to share the ideas with friends and others with similar interests.
And, for your convenience I added a Pin It button here!

Pin It

1 comment:

  1. Im glad you found your ink pad, funny how things come up after you dont need them any more. I love the layout and how you created your own pattern paper with the stamp. Looking forward to the 13th see you then.
