Thursday, March 1, 2012

Potential-March SOTM

I knew I had a tremendous amount of potential for getting things done today if there was a snow day.  My kids are too little to understand the meaning of sleeping in or maybe they don't want to understand it... so, our day starts early!  I vacuumed and mopped by 8:30, then we went outside and shoveled, built a snowman (which Julien drop kicked) and pulled the kids around the block in sleds.  Then I went to work for a couple hours before coming home and creating this card. And it was only 3:00!!
The name of this stamp set is Potential and it is also the March Stamp of the Month.  I have been anxious to try using the Kraft cardstock as well.  I have seen some really great projects and cards with it.  We will be recreating this card and 2 others at a workshop/crop on March 31st.  Additionally, I will be offering a basic Cricut class using the Art Philosophy cartridge.
  Some more SOTM art created by the CTMH artists.

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