Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bring on the Snow and Sneak Peek!

This winter has been pathetic in terms of snow. And although I do get tired of winter after a few months, I really miss the snow this year!  At least when we have snow the kids are excited to go and play outside.  Who wants to go play in cold and slush?  So, with this card I was hoping to inspire Old Man Winter into giving us some more of the white stuff.  If not, then can we just skip ahead to spring.  This inbetween stuff really stinks!!
Next Wednesday, the NEW Idea Book will be released.  In it you'll find Color Ready Ribbon!  It comes white and you can dye it, stamp it and color it.  I dyed it using Petal ink for this card.  Those coming to workshop on Saturday will be using it.  I used liquid applique for the snow on the tree and of course a bit of glitter!  Now, Bring on the SNOW!

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